Naxos已为主导产品在工业磨具行业,公司拥有最现代化的测量技术,用于不断监控的过程。通过连续测量和应用 SPC (统计过程控制) 来确保系列过程得到控制。在我们的 DIN EN ISO 9001:2008中对订单流程做出了规定,通过这一清晰的订单流程,我们保证质量和交货的准时性。
主要产品: Naxos抛光辊、Naxos努力特辊子、Naxos外圆磨削砂轮、Naxos研磨盘、Naxos曲轴砂轮等
For nearly 100 years we have designed and built high performance grinding machines for mass production and are numbered among the world's best known manufacturers for face grinding machines. The scope of users ranges from the automotive industry and its suppliers to antifriction bearing manufacturers all the way to the watch making industry.