Bahnson Environmental Specialties, LLC是美国一家设计、制造、安装专业暖通空调系统的领导者,是一家专业的工程、制造美国机械承包商。Bahnson光稳定测试箱、Bahnson电源、Bahnson超低温冰箱、Bahnson冰柜等,主要应用于机械工程、工艺管道、厂房建设、工业设备服务和空调管道。Bahnson BMS保持成品和备件支持新设备的销售及售后配件销售大量库存。
Since 1915, Bahnson has drawn on its rich history and reputation as a leader in the design, fabrication, and installation of specialized HVAC systems, and today with recent order intake exceeding $200 million annually, Bahnson, providing services through three business units, is one of the largest specialty engineering, manufacturing, and mechanical contractors in the United States.