- Success story
Cable manufacturing since 1992
The first company in the Amokabel group was established in 1992. By focusing on technological development and modernisation, we have organically managed to build a very profitable and successful group. Our constant pursuit of growth has resulted in several new companies active in the manufacturing and distribution of cable. At the same time, we have invested in renewable energy; solar power, wind power and hydro power. Amokabel has today a total production area of 30 000m². Amokabel head office and production site are located in Alstermo, a village in Småland 70km from both Växjö and Kalmar in the southern part of Sweden.
Global expansion
Initially, Amokabel engaged solely in sales in Sweden. Today, the majority of sales are export sales. Together with our own sales offices and extensive agent and distribution network, we always have a global presence. For example, we supply many of the world's largest airports with cable, and our unique, coated, overhead cables electrify several countries in Asia. Our consumer-packaged installation cable can be purchased in most stores in Scandinavia.
1974 Lennart Sjögren starts cable manufacturing in Alstermo
1991 Decision to close and move to IKO in Grimsås
1992 Jan and Erland start Alstermo Produktion AB in Målerås
1994 FK Bolaget AB and Amo Kraft AB are started in Åseda
2004 Amo Energi purchases the Alstermo Plant. Turbines and water rights
2006 Purchase of the power station in Uvafors. Expansion by 1,100 m²
2007 Alstermo Produktion AB becomes part owner of a cable factory in India
2008 Amo kabel AS – distributor of ship cables, is started
2009 Alstermo Produktion purchases a wind turbine in Sölvesborg (800 kW)
2011 Amo Kraft AS is started. The Group buys into FUX, Hungary
2016 New solar power plant on the factory roof
Flexibility and short lead times
We run our business based on the following guiding principles:
- Innovation
- Flexibility
- Quickness
First and foremost, our business is characterised by innovation. Everything starts with an understanding of the needs of customers or consumers. This insight guides innovation efforts on how we can improve existing products or satisfy new needs. The need for cable is constantly changing and modern times require new solutions. Structures, conductors, plastics and packaging are evaluated constantly and are continuously changing.
Unlike our competitors, we can produce in a short time and according to specific customer volumes. We have low requirements for minimum volumes and we can easily reset production for a quick delivery. Several of our 500 customers have special requirements regarding volume or packaging and we are the only player in the market that can meet these needs.
Jan och Erlands Foundation
Since 2016, Amokabel has primarily been owned by a foundation.
The Foundation has the purpose, mainly in Uppvidinge municipality, of:
- promoting the region's economy by contributing to development projects
- promoting the region's youth organisations and/or sporting activities
- promoting training within electricity and electronics
- providing grants or scholarships for education and/or competence development, preferably to people with a connection to Amokabel AB
- promoting environmental activities with a focus on sustainability